Our Story

Lynne & Peter Kerr

Lynne & Peter Kerr

We have been working under the umbrella of Forever now for 8 years, but our background was in the casino industry in which we worked for over 20 years. We were lucky to travel to lots of different countries with our work including Africa, Holland, Russia and the Ukraine but had to stop due to Peter’s health.

We were introduced to Forever by a friend of ours and the products had such a great impact on Peter that we felt we needed to tell other people about it. We then realised we were sitting with a fantastic business in the palm of our hands. To be able to recommend products that actually work and you have great faith in is easy, then to build a team of people who believe in the same thing and the company pays us to do it!!

We worked our business around the nooks and crannies of each day depending on Peter’s health, and have built it on a part time day by day basis.

This business has made us lots of new friends from our regular customers who are using our brilliant products to help with their health. Our team members too have become close friends and we help them build their businesses by coaching them to do the same as ourselves. It’s been a lot of work but also fun …. who wouldn’t want a business where you enjoy what you do?

We are Managers within Forever and are helping our team achieve the same level so that they too can create a full time income whilst only working part time. After all, if they succeed, then we succeed. Simples!!!

We are heading up the marketing plan and using the incentives the company provides to create our pension…..after all we all know the Government’s pension will not look after us in our old age!! So come and join us. Get in touch with Lynne today for an informal chat